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Thank you - Jason Foster and the team at Hypnotherapys (

Hypnotherapy UK: A semi-conscious state that is somewhere between awakening and sleeping, hypnosis or trance can be self-imposed, can be triggered by an individual proficient in hypnotism or it can arise in a natural way as for example with daydreaming. This sort of altered mental state will often be when you find a resolution to an annoying problem or get an excellent idea that might improve your life. Pretty much everybody in the UK is going to have experienced this at some point in time.

Normally, when in a hypnotic condition, people often have a greater tolerance of pain, will likely have a heightened response to suggestions, are able to be more innovative and creative, might be more responsive to self-healing, usually have a heightened imagination and tend to remember more past memories, when compared to those who haven't been hypnotised.

Hypnotherapy uses the hypnosis process to cause a subconscious trance in a person as a way to treat conditions or change habits. Virtually anything from helping someone to stop binge eating, get over a claustrophobia or stop smoking to dealing with people encountering sleeping disorders or troublesome panic disorders, may be helped by a session with a hypnotherapist.

While the common notion is that hypnotherapy is a fairly modern day concept, the truth is witch doctors, tribal doctors, Hindu fakirs, shamen, and others, have been performing various forms of hypnosis and hypnotherapy for many hundreds of years. The Chinese have adopted very similar treatments for over five thousand years, and even the ancient Egyptians employed a kind of hynotherapy in "sleep temples" (or dream temples) as they were called.