Other Treatments - Hypnotherapist

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Thank you - Jason Foster and the team at Hypnotherapys (https://www.hypnotherapys.uk)

We hope to see your here again soon - Jason Foster.

Hypnotherapy UK: Hypnosis or trance is a state of awareness that will occur naturally during our lives (ie daydreaming), may be brought about by a professional hypnotist, or it can be self-inflicted. This kind of changed mental state can often be when you find a solution to a nagging problem or get an excellent idea that will change your life. Everyone in the UK will have encountered this at some point.

When somebody is in a hypnotic state they usually have more imagination, are more able to recount past memories and occurrences, could be more responsive to the concept of self-healing, often have a higher pain tolerance, will likely have an increased reaction to suggestions and are inclined to be more creative and innovative, in comparison with a non-hypnotized individual.

Hypnotherapy is the deliberate action of inducing that subconscious state in a patient in order that restorative benefits can be brought about. This can involve anything from helping somebody to get over a fear of flying, stop biting their nails or quit eating chocolate to dealing with those who are afflicted by sleep apnea or extreme depressive disorder.

Although it is frequently thought to be a fairly modern concept, hypnotherapy in its various forms has been practiced for millennia by healers, fakirs, voodoo witch doctors, druids, and others. The Chinese have adopted comparable treatments for more than 5,000 years, and even the Egyptians employed a form of hynotherapy in "sleep" or "dream" temples as they were known.